About Us
Mémé for Littles was created to help parents find neutral, affordable, quality, on trend items for their children. As the mother of two active littles, I found a continued need for buildable, convenient staples for their closets. We will continue to provide everyday solutions and sprinkle some holiday cheer in there where we can.
We pride ourselves in sourcing the best quality products that make the most sense for every home. We believe parents, and us alike, avoid purchasing the "one wear" clothes and love to find items that will grow with their littles.
Why the name? Mémé was the name I used for my late grandmother, Hilda Barakat. She immigrated to the states by way of Lebanon and not long after was widowed with five children. My Mémé spoke primarily French and my greatest memories of her are behind her sewing machine making pajamas and dresses for my siblings and me.